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Making Connections


In the business world, connections matter. We have all heard the saying, "It's who you know." The people we meet, and the people we talk to and spend time with all contribute to our place in society. When I think about the Christian life, I see the divine connections that bring us to the place we are. Someone connected with us to tell us about Jesus. It was probably more than one person over a lot of time. If we stop and look at our lives, we will see many connections with people that changed us. These connections are God-made. They are divine.

We cannot underestimate how powerful a connection is. No matter if it is the person in the check-out line at the store, or the mechanic at the repair shop, all connections with people have the potential to either be life-changing or contribute to a changed life. There are people we speak to out of courtesy and there are those that really resonate with us. We should pay especially close attention to these connections. There is probably something there that God wants to do in their life.

Jesus made connections. He connected with the disciples in a special way and He connected with the sick in a special way. All of His connections had a divine purpose. I believe our connections have a divine purpose as well. We need to place a high value on the people we meet and the people we connect with. The king of connections is the Holy Spirit and we need to allow Him to speak through us. He knows what needs to be said and what needs to be heard.

Living for Jesus is a great adventure. The divine connections the Holy Spirit involves us in are destined to change lives forever. Will you be a part of God's

mission to change the world? Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you to and through these connections. Be the connector that God created you to be!

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