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Follow the Leader


Have you ever walked on the beach or in soft soil and noticed the impressions left by you feet? These impressions tell a story. They tell where you have been. They tell of the direction from which you came. They can tell how long ago you walked that way and they can tell if you were wearing shoes or not. When people come upon your footprints, they will look towards from where you came and they will look towards where you went. One can tell where the soil became hard and unimpressionable and where it became soft and inviting to a deep imprint.

This can be said of our lives. People watch where we go and where we came from. They respond to the impressions we leave where we have been. People look for new paths and new beginnings and they

look for them through the journeys of other people. You are being watched. I'm not talking about surveilled, I am talking about being watched by people who are looking for direction. Your impressions are being studied by the young and contemplated by the old. Where have you been and where are you going?

Do not underestimate your influence on others. It is easy to get caught up in our circumstance and throw our cares to the wind, but realizing we have a power to impact lives brings us to the place of significance. Your steps may come from a dark past, but they may be headed for a bright future. The most important path is the one out of darkness into light. Footprints are not just a divot in the sand, they point in a direction. People are not curious about the footprints, they are more curious about where they are headed.

What you follow is where you will lead. The Word of God is a light for our path. It directs us to good and it keeps us from harm. To walk with the light means to live in hope of an eternal future and an impression of light for others to follow. Be aware of your path. Learn about the light of Jesus and let Him light your path, for you, and for others!

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