We have all had someone play that dirty trick on us. Out of nowhere they point in certain direction and say, "Look! Over there!" Gullible us, we look. We don't necessarily know what we are looking at, but we do it. It sounds exciting and interesting, so we comply only to be laughed at for falling for it. This is not only a harmless joke, there is a voice out there that uses this tactic to make us look for something we want that seems far away and only obtainable through an impossible amount of work.
In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to seek the Kingdom of God before anything. In all things that life would have us search for, food, clothing, money, etc., Jesus tells us to look for Gods' Kingdom first. What a task! This sounds so heavy. How am I possibly going to find Gods' Kingdom on this place called Earth? This sounds like it is going to take a lot of work for me to find this Kingdom. This is what the enemy satan wants us to believe. He tries to make us believe that we have to work for the Kingdom of God, which means we would have to work to please God. He makes us think that we have to make God happy so He will help us find the Kingdom.
Many people have, and many still do, believe they have to do good things and live a perfect life to please God. They think if they go to church or volunteer enough God will be happy with them and let them experience the Kingdom. This is not what the Bible teaches. There is nothing you can do to make Jesus love you. Actually, there is nothing you can do to make Jesus stop loving you! There is only one way to please God. All other Godly pleasures come through this avenue. We must have faith in Jesus. We must believe that He is the Son of God and that He gave His life so we could live with God forever in His Kingdom. The door to the Kingdom of God is Jesus!
While satan is telling everyone they have to work to get God to like them, Jesus is telling us that the Kingdom is within us. In Luke 17:21 Jesus tells us that we do not have to look there or over there for the Kingdom. In other words, there is only one place we are going to find the Kingdom of God and that is by going through the door which is Jesus. He tells us the Kingdom is within us. Jesus lives within believers by the actions of the Holy Spirit. We don't have to work for it, we need to surrender to it. That's how the door opens to the Kingdom. Jesus even says He is the door!
The Kingdom of God is found by allowing yourself to be loved by Jesus. It is found by letting go of the emotions you depended on for comfort. The Kingdom is found by trusting Jesus with your life, death, and resurrection into eternity. The Kingdom is not about food and drink and those necessities of life that sustain us. It is love and righteousness where no sin exists. It is eternal love and it is Gods domain.
While there is a place for doing good works in this life, it is not to buy Gods attention. Good works and righteousness are how we show Jesus we love Him. Please don't waste time trying to make God happy. Use your life to make God known. Let the love of Jesus shine through you and don't worry about what shines on you. Your surrender to Jesus is your entrance into the Kingdom of God!